Social Innovation: How Societies find the Power to Change
2019, Policy Press
The 21st century has brought a cornucopia of new knowledge and technologies. But there has been little progress in our ability to solve social problems using social innovation – the deliberate invention of new solutions to meet social needs - across the globe.
Geoff Mulgan is a pioneer in the global field of social innovation. Building on his experience advising international governments, businesses and foundations, he explains how it provides answers to today’s global social, economic and sustainability issues. He argues for matching R&D in technology and science with a socially focused R&D and harnessing creative imagination on a larger scale than ever before.
Weaving together history, ideas, policy and practice, he shows how social innovation is now coming of age, offering a comprehensive view of what can be done to solve the global social challenges we face.
"A bold, inspiring book that will leave you smarter, more inspired, and ready to improve the world."
Kriss Deiglmeier, CEO Tides Foundation
"Based on the vast experience and insightful expertise of Geoff Mulgan, this book not only discusses the potential and limits of social innovation but, more importantly, showcases how all sectors can best embed its principles to address the most pressing challenges of our century"
Isabel Mota, President of the Board of Trustees of Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
"This book gives a wide audience what some of us have been privileged to hear from Mulgan in person: the reflections of a profound thinker who is charting new territory in social innovation, demonstrating how we can rise to the most complex challenges of our era."
Stephen Huddart, President & CEO, the McConnell Foundation
"Mulgan’s wide-ranging vision and extensive experience are on display in this whirlwind tour of the prospects and challenges facing social innovators. Enjoy the ride!"
Mark H. Moore, Harvard University
‘An important contribution… engaging and successfully conveys complex messages…a useful companion to a new generation of students… of keen interest to established scholars… [and] informed reading to practitioners’ International Review of Applied Economics
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